Hi! My name is Shilpi Mandal.


I am a 5th year PhD candidate in the Department of Mathematics at Emory University. My advisor is Professor Suresh Venapally and my coadvisor is Professor Parimala Raman.

At the moment, I am interested in local-global principles and period-index bounds on complete non-Archimedean valued fields. My broader interests are in cohomology, quadratic forms, and linear algebraic groups.

I earned my Integrated BS-MS (dual degree) in Mathematical Sciences from the University of Hyderabad, India.

You can download my CV here.

You can reach me at:

Email: shilpi [dot] mandal [at] emory [dot] edu

Office: N406, Math and Science Center, Emory University

I am a firm believer in the axioms coined by Federico Ardila.

  • Axiom 1. Mathematical potential is equally present in different groups, irrespective of geographic, demographic, and economic boundaries.

  • Axiom 2. Everyone can have joyful, meaningful, and empowering mathematical experiences.

  • Axiom 3. Mathematics is a powerful, malleable tool that can be shaped and used differently by various communities to serve their needs.

  • Axiom 4. Every student deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.

Upcoming Travel

  • MAA MathFest in Indianapolis, IN, USA (August 7-10, 2024).

  • ALGAR Summer School on Brauer groups in Arithmetic and Geometry, University of Antwerp, Belgium (August 22-30, 2024).

  • AIM Workshop on Nilpotent Counting Problems in Arithmetic Statistics, American Institute of Mathematics, Pasadena, USA (November 11-15, 2024).

I also love reading math blogs and puzzles, so if you have any, send me some! To see mine, go to the Fun Zone (patent pending).

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