My research interests are broadly in algebra, number theory and algebraic geometry.
Recently I have been thinking about the local-global principles in Berkovich Theory and trying to obtain a period-index bound on complete non-Archimedean valued fields.
During the dual degree program at the University of Hyderabad, I did my MS Thesis on "Elements of Algebraic Number Theory".
Publications & Preprints
Strong u-invariant and Period-Index bound for complete ultrametric fields. Submitted. (arXiv version)
More publications upcoming. This tautological bullet point serves to ensure my website's CSS continues to function smoothly (unlike my garden).
Invited Talks
(*in reverse chronological order)
- The Brauer Dimension of a Field, Special Talk, at ALGAR Summer School, University of Antwerp, Belgium,
August 22-30, 2024.
- Twisted Number Field Counting, MAA Invited Paper Session on Rethinking Number Theory, at MAA MathFest, Indianapolis, IN, August 7-10, 2024.
Contributed Talks
(*in reverse chronological order)
- (upcoming) Strong u-invariant and Period-Index bound for complete ultrametic fields, Contributed Paper Session I, at Georgia Southern University for AMS Southeastern Sectional Meeting (Fall 2024) on October 5, 2024.
- (upcoming) Twisted Number Field Counting, Contributed Paper Session I, at Georgia Southern University for AMS Southeastern Sectional Meeting (Fall 2024) on October 5, 2024.
- Twisted Number Field Counting,
Graduate Student Conference in Algebra, Geometry, and Topology called GTA:
Philadelphia 2024, at Temple University in Philadelphia from May 31 to June 2, 2024.
- Local-Global Principles Over The Years, Pre-talk for Igor Rapinchuk’s talk at Algebra and Number Theory Seminar, at Emory University on October 3, 2023.
Student Seminar Talks
(*in reverse chronological order)
- Tidbits of Berkovich Spaces, RANT- Emory Student Seminar in Algebra and Number Theory, Atlanta, GA on April 18, 2024.
- Basic Notions of Rigid Analytic Geometry, RANT- Emory Student Seminar in Algebra and Number Theory, Atlanta, GA on November 16, 2023.
- What do Jabberwocky and Fava Beans have in common?, RANT- Emory Student Seminar in Algebra and Number Theory, Atlanta, GA on December 6, 2021.
- Origami Constructible Numbers, RANT- Emory Student Seminar in Algebra and Number Theory, Atlanta, GA on February 16, 2021.
- Class Number Formula, Final presentations for Masters’ Thesis, University of Hyderabad, India, September 15, 2020.
Contributed Course Talks
(*in reverse chronological order)
- Extensions of Dedekind Domains and Discrete Valuations, for a course on Galois Cohomology, Emory University, March 29, 2023.
- Techniques from Group Cohomology-Relation to Subgroups, for a course on Galois Cohomology, Emory University, February 15, 2023.
- Free Resolutions and Syzygies, for a course on Commutative Algebra, Emory University, April 25, 2022.
- Additive Number Theory, for a course on Analytic Number Theory, Emory University, May 3, 2022.
- Unique Factorisation of Ideals, for a course on Algebraic Number Theory, Emory University, February 3, 2021.
- Elements of Algebraic Number Theory. (Masters' Thesis; 2020) here